
Sales of preformed expansion joint fillers (OFF-CON, EXPANTAY) as well as anti-disaster aluminum die cast roof tiles.




HOME > Corporate information

Corporate information

  • Greeting

    Seiji Tateno, the president and chief executive officer of TAISEI, offers greetings, introducing TAISEI’s corporate attitude.

  • Company profile

    See TAISEI’s company profile for a better understanding of our company.

  • History

    TAISEI’s history from its foundation in 1973 until today is introduced.

  • Access

    See access maps to our head office and plant.
    Printable maps are also available.

  • TAISEI’s obtained management[ ISO9001-accredited ]

    TAISEI obtained international standard “ISO9001” accreditation with a “quality policy” set out to respond to the needs of our customers, society, and the times, making it as a goal to be achieved for business development. Our quality management has been established and implemented in the fields of technology, development and marketing.

  • TAISEI’s environmental management[ ISO14001-accredited ]

    TAISEI obtained international standard “ISO14001” accreditation by setting out internal and external environmental management criteria in response to the changing demands from society and the times and to carry out activities with these as objectives. Our environmental management is implemented by setting objectives as a company and for individuals internally and externally.